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Over the River and Through the Woods

Now running at the New Theatre Restaurant, a comedy by Joe Di Pietro "Over The River and Trough The Woods," is about a visit with grandparents-both sets-for young marketing exec Nick Cristano. The performance is a funny, sensitive presentation which is applicable for those of any age, from teenagers considering leaving home to adults coping with change. Nick Cristano spends every Sunday with his grandparents in the comfortable Hoboken, New Jersey home of Frank and Aida (his mother's parents); Nunzio and Emma (his father's folks) live just a few doors down and are always in attendance as well. Nick's parents have retired to Florida and his sister has moved across the country to San Diego and so his presence is particularly valued by these four. Thus, his announcement to move to Seattle is greeted less than enthusiastically. Matchmaking comedy ensues as all four grandparents conspire to give him a reason to stay by introducing him to the pretty and attractive, Caitlin.

Starring as Aida Gianelli is Marion Ross currently from the Drew Carey Show and The Gilmore Girls and Emmy-nominated shows Happy Days and Brooklyn Bridge. Costarring are Paul Michael as husband Frank, Matteo Troncone as Nick Cristano, Addison Myers and Dodie Brown as Nunzio and Emma Cristano; and Jennifer Mays as Caitlin O'Hare. Dennis D. Hennessy will direct.

Tickets and reservations are available by calling 913-649-SHOW or stopping at the New Theatre Restaurant, 9229 Foster (one block west of Metcalf) in Overland Park. Prices are $19.95 to $39.95 and include both show and dining, evenings Tuesday through Sunday at 6 p.m. with matinees scheduled Wednesday and Sundays at noon.

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