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the kind that ordinarily retails for about $2,300. The Shapiros hope to sell theirs for about $700. The second version is an electric-powered stand-up wheelchair which typically retails for $5,000. The Shapiros say that if they get their plan in action, they will sell theirs for about $1,200.

The Shapiro's problem is a lack of start-up capital for their non-profit venture. In order to sell their products at a reduced cost, the Shapiros need to order parts in bulk quantities. That means they need to receive orders, and cash, up front. And to do that, they must first create awareness of their product offerings. This is why they are seeking the help of the community.

"We want people to help us find these people with disabilities, people who have a need for this special wheelchair," said Sabina Shapiro. "We can customize these chairs for people based on their needs of height, weight, size, etc."

The Shapiros hope that if enough people learn of their proposed low-cost device, they can get a sufficient number of orders and deposits to start up production.

In addition to providing handicapped people with reasonably priced products, the Shapiros also want to provide some of them with jobs. That is why they approached Doug Hays, executive director of Kansas City's Vocational Service, about employing disabled people at JVS' sheltered workshop to assemble parts of the wheelchairs.

Hays said the proposal fits well with the workshop's mission.

"It poses a good opportunity for our workers. The work is challenging and meets a lot of needs for a lot of people," Hays said. "And it is always nice to help someone with a good cause get started.

The Shapiros say they simply want to help people who are at a disadvantage.

"Prices for medical devices are five to six times more expensive than they should be," said Peter Shapiro. "Sabina and I do not think it is right that these big medical companies make such high profits off of innocent people who really need help."

For more information, call SF Medical, Inc. at 381-6189.

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