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A Doctor Who Cares

When a nurse invited me into Dr. Gruenbaum's examination room for the first time, I was surprised when I found the Oath of Hypocrites on the wall. I knew that back all medical students gave this Oath at graduation in all medical schools, but I never thought that it mattered to them. My first thought was that it is only a decoration, but read the Dr. Gruenbaum's name on it. After the many years that I am his patient, I am convinced that Dr. Gruenbaum not only signed the Oath of Hypocrites, but also follows it in his everyday practice.

Dr. Gruenbaum is an internal medicine doctor and as other doctors is very busy, especially during flu season, but never runs away from his patients with a mean face. He always answers all the patient's questions, regardless of how busy he is. He discusses with the patient all problems related to the sickness. At Nowdays, when all doctors use lots of all kinds of tests, Dr. Gruenbaum uses tests at a minimum, only when it is absolutely necessary. Dr. Gruenbaum uses the best and latest medications in his practice.

Dr. Gruenbaum cares about his patients not only during the daytime, but during the night too. If you call his office in the middle of the night, and Dr. Gruenbaum is on call, you can be sure that he will call you shortly.

Dr. Gruenbaum is a young doctor. He is only 42 years old and started private practice 15 years ago.

He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and after high school has attended Washington University in St. Louis and the UMKC School of Medicine.

Dr. Gruenbaum is a Medical Doctor in the second generation. His brother, Michael Gruenbaum, is a Medical Doctor also.

Outside of the office Dr. Gruenbaum is the husband of Louise Gruenbaum and the father of two daughters, Lauren and Denise. He likes theater and golf, and spends vacations at coastlines and mountains. He likes movies only and is not attracted by any TV show.

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