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Anti-hijacking system

Anti-hijacking system

More than one year has passed since the events of September 11, and it seems that few now really care about this tragic incident. Politicians on Capitol Hill are proud that they have budgeted almost $40 billion for anti-terrorist programs, established the Transportation Safety Administration, Department of Homeland Security, etc. What they "forgot" is an anti-hijacking system for airplanes.

After September 11, military fighters have been scrambled several times in cases of alert. The only thing the fighters can do is shoot down the off-course airplane if pilot refuses to follow their instructions.

In September and October 2001, it would have been difficult to find even a single house in which people did not discuss the incident. The media gave great exposure to measures like adding sky marshals to airliner crews, installing secure doors with locks that can be only opened by pilots, allowing pilots to carry guns, etc. All of the listed measures can make the situation even worse rather than solving the problem.

Shortly after September 11, one girl, Amanda Shapiro, asked a simple question during a discussion at the dinner table: "Why can't airplanes be landed like a remote-controlled model airplane? Why can't they use something like Microsoft Flight Simulator to land an airplane from the ground?"

After discussion and thorough investigation of the problem, an anti-hijacking system "Manhattan II" was developed. On June 10, 2002, the patent application with confirmation number 9361 was filed by SF Industries, Inc. in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. On June 17, 2002, Congressman Dennis Moore sent a description of this system to the newly organized Transportation Safety Administration for consideration.

United we stand!

This slogan was written on school fences, walls, and countless T-shirts, and appeared in newspapers and other media many times. Sales of American flags doubled after September 11. People wear T-shirts, swimming suits, and other clothes with images of the American flag. Painting faces red, white, and blue is considered very patriotic. Some people Even consider anti-immigrant statements and actions as patriotic expression.

After the terrorist attack on April 19, 1995, when 27-year-old Timothy McVeigh, with help from friend Terry Nichols, bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City that killed 168 men, women, and children, nobody blamed all white people.

When Osama bin Laden sent his fanatics to attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, all immigrants were blamed in spite of the fact that terrorists were not immigrants; they were just temporary illegal visitors.

Over one year has passed since September 11, but Osama bin Laden and his al Queda terrorist network of an estimated 5000 members is free, and without any doubt they are preparing more terrorist attacks.

Seven years before September 11, on February 26, 1993, more than 1000 lbs. of explosives shook the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York, leaving 6 people dead and over 1000 injured.

For the next few years, there is a 70-80% chance that the events of September 11 will not be repeated with the US air traffic system. But, sooner or later, it will happen again if an anti-hijacking system will not be implemented.

Americans donated over a billion dollars for aid to victims of September 11. Just the American Red Cross received over $500 million. Unfortunately, very few victims survived, and they do not need significant monetary help. What was done with all of the money? Was it returned to the donors? Media reported nothing about it.

Maybe the mentioned billion was deposited in a bank account waiting for the next even more terrible terrorist attack? If a small airplane will be used to transport a "dirty bomb," hundreds of thousands or even millions will be victims.

In the case of the next successful hijacking similar to September 11, shooting down the airliner will be the only choice. Some two hundred to four hundred people will be killed. Even more than in the Oklahoma City bombing.

Maybe it would be worthwhile to spend a couple million of the donated money to support the development of an anti-hijacking system? This action would be real patriotism.

Historically, the Manhattan Project was initiated after Albert Einstein wrote his famous letter of concern to President Franklin Roosevelt.

The Anti-hijacking system "Manhattan II" is waiting for its own Albert Einstein. Meanwhile, true American patriots can support the project "Manhattan II" by volunteering and donating money, which can be sent to the following address:

Project "Manhattan II"

P.O. Box 12127

Overland Park, KS 66282-2127

Call (913) 381-6189 with questions and offers to help.

The project "Manhattan II" is a huge project that should be completed in a couple years and implemented in all of the nation's airplanes and airports in another couple years. While a small group of immigrants initiated this project, success will be

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